Frequently Asked Questions
Below are helpful questions most commonly asked by parents of enrolled students. We hope you find this to be valuable throughout the year, in addition to your parent handbook and parent information board in your child’s classroom. Please make sure to check this periodically as we will continue to add to our FAQ’s page, and please don’t hesitate to stop by our front desk to ask any questions!

Where can I learn about the program’s assessment process?
Your child’s teacher will explain our program’s assessment process during school orientation and more information is also available in your parent handbook. This will include information about the instruments and tools used, procedures followed, the use of results, and how your child’s assessment is kept confidential. Please feel free to ask your child’s teacher any additional questions you may have.
Where can I receive information about the program’s philosophy and goals, rules and expectations, events and community activities, available community support, and child assessment plans?
Your parent handbook, classroom orientation handbook, and classroom information board serve as great resources throughout the year. We also provide community and school information on our outdoor lobby information boards. Our program’s philosophy, mission, policies and procedures, child assessment information, community financial support assistance and more are found in your handbooks and on our website. Your parent information board inside your child’s classroom will also have posted information about school and community events. Please make sure we have your current email address on file as we regularly send newsletters. For more information about any topic, please check with our front office.
How does my child’s teacher inform me regularly about my child’s performance?
Your child’s teacher will inform you regularly about your child’s performance during daily drop-off and pick-up opportunities and through written correspondence. We feel it’s important to showcase your child’s development and involvement in class activities. These wonderful learning opportunities are captured through your child’s artwork, math and literature exercises, and much more. All of your child’s accomplishments are regularly filed in their art file by their teacher.
Where can I receive written reports about my child at least twice a year?
Written reports will be provided to you twice during the school year. These two reports of your child’s assessments will be placed in your child’s confidential admissions file. An extra copy can be provided to you by the front office if your original copy is misplaced.
Who can I share my concerns with about my child’s teacher?
Your shared concerns and regular feedback are very important to us. We encourage open communication between you and our administrative staff during such opportunities available at school orientation, and daily pick-up and drop-off. Staff will listen attentively and then discuss an action plan where you feel supported and which addresses your concerns. If you would like to share your concerns in a more private manner, please call the front office at (760) 436-2797 to speak over the phone or to schedule a time to meet in-person with an administrative staff member.
How does program staff inform me of contagious diseases in the school?
Your child’s health and well-being is of significant concern to us. When contagious diseases arise in your child’s classroom or surroundings, we will immediately inform you through written and/or verbal form of how we are addressing the issue and also our preventative measures. Additional information surrounding issues of this nature can be regularly found in your child’s art file, parent information boards located in your child’s classroom, and in your parent handbook.
How can I share with my child’s teacher about my family background and beliefs?
During enrollment, we will provide you with a form where you can share specific characteristics and routines about your child. This is a wonderful opportunity to list optional information about your family’s background and beliefs as we understand and celebrate the value of diversity. Parents who decide to share optional information will be contacted by staff to discuss classroom presentation ideas that can enrich students’ learning experiences in a positive and inclusive manner. All ideas will be in accordance with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) criteria and will not discriminate or expose children to topics that would involve your parental consent.
How does program staff communicate with me about my child’s assessments in a language I understand and in a manner that is respectful to my cultural identity?
It is our commitment to ensure that you understand the important significance of your child’s assessment in terms and in a language that are respectful to you. We are an English speaking program that welcomes families of diverse backgrounds. If English is your second language and you are more comfortable speaking in your native language, we would be happy to sit with you and a translator that you may bring in. If at any time you feel a program staff member is not being respectful of your cultural identity, please immediately inform our administrative staff. They will work with you to acknowledge your concerns and understand how your needs can be met.
What resources are offered by the program that help me obtain the services I need for my child and family?
We partner with reputable services in our community who have the expertise to address the important social, emotional and developmental needs of your child. Two partners who we have collaborated with for several years include First 5 San Diego and the YMCA of San Diego County’s Behavioral Health Services. First 5 San Diego provides important developmental services for your child from birth to 5 years. Such services include healthy development screenings, dental care, and parenting workshops. Contact information for First 5 San Diego is posted on the bulletin board in our outdoor family lounge area. We have free Family Community Resource Kits from First 5 San Diego. Please stop by our front office for contact information and to request your kit. The YMCA of San Diego County’s Behavioral Health Services can aid you with assessing your child’s behavior and providing guidance for parents and child alike. These services are usually provided free of charge. Please stop by the front desk for more information.
Please check back periodically as we will continue to add to our FAQ’s page.