Play this quick news article game to teach your children how to communicate and write informative articles and how current event news is created. Another benefit of this activity is that it will also help your child to communicate events and ideas verbally as well

Pick an article to read aloud to your children. Then see how quickly they can answer the five “Ws” of news article reporting.

The 5 W’s of Reporting and Writing

  1. Who was involved?
  2. What happened?
  3. When did it happen?
  4. Where did it happen?
  5. Why did it happen?

If your children are interested, take the idea a step further.

Have them “report” on a neighborhood or school event.

For example

  1. When a friend down the street gets a new puppy
  2. Family event or holiday, Who did you go with, When did you go, Where did you go, What did you do, Why was it fun or memorable.
  3. How about using the 5w’s to get your child into creating a weekly journal of what they did that week, what happened, where & when and with who.
    tip: you could even buy a blank note book or and write the 5 w’s down for them with plenty of blank space in-between for them to fill in and/or draw their thoughts.

If your children can’t write yet, your children can draw pictures and you can write the words on each drawing.

All kids can be reporters! Have fun!