“Green growing caterpillar” is hands on science project our preschool to kindergarten kids with an opportunity to learn to prepare the perfect environment for learning about seed germination and at the same time creating a “pet” caterpillar. Plus, going forward they also learn responsibility for the care and health of their pet.

Children enjoy naming their caterpillars, caring for them and can’t wait to trim their growing “hair” which is also excellent practice for fine motor skills and artistic creations.

Activity Addons:

  • Before you build and craft your Caterpillar  reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar book can add even more fun and learning opportunities about caterpillars.
  • Learn about Germination and plant growing process.
    What is germination? Germination is the process of a plant emerging from a seed and beginning to grow
    What does it take for seeds to grow? Each seed or plant type have their own preferences  as to soil conditions, light, water and temperature which effect seed germination and growth.
    What are roots and what are they for?  Roots help to  bring in food and water from the soil. Food travels up the roots through the stem of the plant. The plant root also helps to stabilize the plant even a blade of grass.

The Birth Of Bella Our Caterpillar

Step 1. We mixed our potting soils, quick sprouting grass seed in a bucket.
Step 2  Next to make the body of the caterpillar we used a knee high nylon stocking ( you can even cut the leg off a old nylon).
Step 3 To fill the body with seed mixture.  Cut the bottom off of a paper cup and insert it into the  open end of the stocking. We used it as a funnel for our dirt mixture.
Step 4 Choose how many body sections you would like on your caterpillar. Fill one section than use a colorful rubber band or twist tie to segment and repeat until almost  full  leaving enough room to tie the end closed ( firmly).

Step 5. In a bucket or pan submerge your caterpillar and let soak for at least 10 minutes. After soaking place the caterpillar in a plastic bag and let it sit overnight.


Now it’s time to add some personality to your Caterpillar:

  • Adding antennas: Cut in half a colorful pipe cleaner and glue a pom pom,  cut out stars or any creative ending you would like.  Simply poke the pipe cleaner free end into where the head area of your caterpillar will be.
  • Add some eyes.  We used a opened up bobbie pin that was wove in and through the head area, we then glued googlie eyes to the end of each ( you can use shortened pipe cleaners too if you prefer.)Let your kids be creative here, maybe even think of other house hold items you can reuse or recycle to give your caterpillar personality, like old buttons for eyes, or make pom poms by balling up dryer lint.

Let’s Grow: On a tray, plate or other underneath protection set your caterpillar in a sunny window and water thoroughly every other day.

Your caterpillar should be sprouting hair within 4 to 5 days.



Bella Gets Her First Haircut



Project inspiration from familyfun.go.com

We hope you try this fun activity with your children and help their

love of science and nature germinate, take root and grow!


PS> If you do grow your own fuzzy friend feel free to share a photo on our Facebook Page